
Harmony Chai is sold wholesale and is proudly served at over 50 retail locations across Washington State. We wholesale our chai products to restaurants, cafes, food CO-OPs and grocery stores. Our distribution team makes weekly deliveries throughout the puget sound area.

Harmony chai seattle mount vernon bellingham olympia tacomaIf you would like to be a retail chai seller please contact us and we will be happy to help you. We will be happy to stop in to you establishment and offer you a sample of our products.

We are confident that your customers will love the flavor and aroma of our fresh brewed Harmony Chai.






Announcement/What’s New or Where to Buy page:
Background (not to put on site) info:
Harmony Chai has a new distributor: https://www.nwcoffeesupply.com/  Their warehouse is located between South Seattle and Tacoma and currently is in stock with tons of HC bottles. Unfortunately, this partnership was initiated shortly before the COVID-19 Pandemic shut down most the cafes etc. that we were hoping to get into through NW Coffee’s customer list.
We want to prominently emphasize this distributor on the site as one of the best ways to get some HC but we have to also be careful because they also distribute all of Holly’s competitors. We don’t want potential customer’s to stray on to their site and end up ordering something else so for that reason when referring to them, lets use HC dedicated page:
Copy to use on site:
NW Coffee Supply distributor partners with Harmony Chai to deliver the NW’s finest Chai directly to your door!
Whether that door is:
  • A hospital, essential institution, agency, or business that could use a warm, energizing beverage in their break rooms as a gesture of nourishment and appreciation for their amazing staff members.
  • A grocery or convenience store looking to fill some of those empty shelves, promote a local company, and reach new customers who are seeking alternative ways to stay Healthy and in Harmony, during these stressful times.
  • A restaurant or cafe serving their customers with to-go items. Harmony Chai is available in 64 oz wholesale concentrate for prepared chai – this allows for customization on milk preference. Many our client’s cafes and espresso stands also sell our 22 oz concentrate as a retail item direct to their customers that love Harmony Chai served them but also want to stock up at home.
  • A work from home office that is lacking what tradition office break room provide: fun beverage choices and an excuse to get up and stretch your legs. AFK
  • Your residential front door! Your home, your heart…During the Stay at Home mandate, NW Coffee Supply will deliver right to your home with free delivery!
Three Easy Steps
  1. SIgn up here: https://www.nwcoffeesupply.com/new-account/  for a free retail account.
  2. Once your account is set up, you can place an order on our dedicated page: https://www.nwcoffeesupply.com/product-category/coffee-tea/harmony-chai/ Harmony Chai Concentrate is available in 22 and 64 oz amber glass bottles of Black Spiced Chai or naturally decaffeinated Rooibos Chai.
  3. Pair your Harmony Chai Concentrate with your Milk or Milk Alternative of choice in a 50/50 ratio, heat or serve over ice. Enjoy and celebrate 25 years of staying Healthy and in Harmony with us!
About our new partner:
(Maybe insert their logo here?)
Northwest Coffee Supply is a premier distributor of everything required for a successful coffee shop operation. Providing Washington and Oregon with the finest selection of quality food service supplies and specialty coffee necessities, NWCS excels in quality personal service and reliability. NWCS excels in quality personal service and reliability. As prior café managers and owners, we understand the challenges of day to day operation. By leveraging our close relationships with leading product manufacturers, we strive to provide our customers with competitive pricing and long-term dependable service. From local artisans to large principal brands, we deliver the very best supplies and customized support.